Vision and Mission


For the churches of the Anglican Communion to experience a deeper fellowship together in Christ and be sources of transformation within their communities and beyond.


To partner churches across the Anglican Communion in rethinking mission, energising church and championing justice.


Rethinking Mission

We bring people together from different parts of the global church in mutually enriching conversation and profound encounters, to increase understanding and deepen our discipleship as inter-cultural Christians.

Energising Church

We make connections between the dioceses of the Churches of Britain and Ireland and those overseas and we seek ways in which faith and action can go hand-in-hand. We look to strengthen the unity and capacity of the Anglican Church by promoting education and leadership and by learning from each other in rich exchange.

Championing Justice

We accompany churches of the Anglican Communion in their struggles against injustices associated with gender, climate change, migration, the human rights of indigenous people and inter-religious living. We support Christians across the world to form communities of hope and resistance and we strive to give a platform to the faithful among those with power in the secular world.

Students from CSI Matriculation Higher Secondary School, part of the Climate Resilience Schools and Communities Programme (formerly Green School Programme), Diocese of Coimbatore, Church of South India. Focus of the USPG Summer Appeal 2023. USPG/Leah Gordon


We are faithful

We seek to be faithful to the call of Jesus Christ and to our vocation to serve the churches and communities of the Anglican Communion in mission since our foundation in 1701.

We are radical

We seek to respond to the challenge of working for the Kingdom of God. In pursuit of that radically inclusive vision, we are willing to ask questions, to take risks and to reflect theologically on our broken world, and upon our own work as we seek to challenge injustice.

We stand in solidarity

We seek to participate in God’s mission in solidarity with those from our partner churches in ways that cherish and honour their dignity and agency as they give voice to their response to God’s call in the life of their churches, communities and nations.

We respect context

We seek to work across cultures for the benefit of all people, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability, age or beliefs. We recognise that this commitment involves humility, and a willingness to learn and be changed.

Open to Encounter

You can learn more about USPG’s approach to mission by reading our Open to Encounter resource.